
On Writing

Tips and inspirations from Marzipan herself on writing. Although she is working on her first book, she has been sitting and sleeping on books all of her life (osmosis works for faery cats) and watching Herself write. From this experience and her recent discoveries while writing a 70,000 word first draft of a 50,000 word book, she offers these suggestions and observations to other writers.

    Curing Writer's Block — Helpful and brilliant suggestions you may not have heard before with photographs! Thoroughly tested by Marzipan Macbeth and written just for you.

    How Characters Come to Life— Showing real, multi-dimensional characters in a story is a challenge for writers. Here is how we discover the many things we need to know about ours. I hope you will find it helpful in your own writing.

    When a Typo Becomes a Word — How we find or create the words you need, both magical and mundane.